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发布时间:2021-03-29 编辑:徐慧 来源:

题目: Internet and Wireless Network Security - Education and Research

报告人: Prof. Yi Qian

时间: 2021/3/30 9:00-10:00  

地点: Zoom账号868 5553 3870 密码:822788


Network security has been a critical challenge in recent years because government, military, companies, and individuals rely increasingly on computer networks, systems, and other connected devices to store, communicate, and exchange information. Organizations and individuals transmit sensitive information across communication networks in doing businesses and for other purposes. Network security describes the discipline dedicated to protecting the communication networks and the services from unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure.  Network security provides assurance that the network performs its critical functions correctly, with no harmful side-effects. In this seminar, Prof. Yi Qian will share with the audience his experience over the last two decades teaching and research in Internet and wireless network security.

Speaker’s Biography

Yi Qian received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, in May 1996. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Prior to joining UNL, he worked in the telecommunications industry, academia, and government. Some of his previous professional positions include serving as a senior member of scientific staff and a technical advisor at Nortel Networks, a senior system engineer and a technical advisor at several startup companies, an assistant professor at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, and a senior researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. His research interests include communication networks and systems, and information and communication network security. Prof. Yi Qian is a Fellow of IEEE. He was previously Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee for Communications and Information Security. He was the Technical Program Chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications 2018. He serves on the Editorial Boards of several international journals and magazines, including as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Wireless Communications. He was a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is currently a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Communications Society. Prof. Yi Qian received the Henry Y. Kleinkauf Family Distinguished New Faculty Teaching Award in 2011, the Holling Family Distinguished Teaching Award in 2012, the Holling Family Distinguished Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award in 2018, and the Holling Family Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovative Use of Instructional Technology in 2018, all from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Prof. Yi Qian is the principal author of a new textbook, Security in Wireless Communication Networks, to be published by Wiley in 2021.



地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






