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Human Dynamics for Smart and Connected Communities

发布时间:2020-12-19 编辑:徐慧 来源:

主讲人:叶信岳 教授

主持人:汪云海 教授


报告地点:腾讯会议-619 511 217

Title: Human Dynamics for Smart and Connected Communities

Abstract: To advance core knowledge on how humans understand and communicate spatial relationships under different urban contexts, many efforts have aimed at analyzing spatial patterns and geographical dynamics, and maximizing the potential of massive data to improve human wellbeing. Big spatiotemporal data become increasingly available, allowing the possibility for individuals’ behavior in space and time to be modeled and for the results of such models to be used to gain information about trends across spatial scales. Spatial inequality can be examined through the perspective of human dynamics at the finer scale using social media data and movement data, in order to catalyze knowledge and action on urban sustainability. Some case studies will be introduced, illustrating human-centered urban informatics in the big and new data context.

Bio: Dr. Xinyue Ye is Associate Professor of Stellar Faculty Provost Target Hire at Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University, where he directs Urban Data Science Lab. With the career backgrounds in planning, geography, and computing, his research focuses on geospatial artificial intelligence and urban informatics.  He models the space-time perspective of socioeconomic inequality and human dynamics for applications in various domains, such as disaster response, economic development, public health, and transportation.  He was the recipient of annual research awards from both computing (New Jersey Institute of Technology) and geography (Kent State University).


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






